Conference Topics

The indicative topics of interest cover fields of public safety and crisis management with focus on intelligent use of geo-information, semantics and situation awareness. The following topics are for reference:

Data modelling and visualisation:
Semantics and situational awareness
Cross border and cross sector semantics
Content preparation standards and semantics
3D/4D Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Integration of data: Building Information Models (BIM) and GIS
Standardisation developments (models, icons, symbols)
Service discovery, filtering and composition (Web services, Net-centric)
Interface design for crisis management
Visualisation and Visual Analytics

Sensor and communication networks:
Distributed sensing and computing for crisis response
Multi-platform and multi-sensor data collection
Crowd sourcing and Volunteered Geographic Information
Context awareness and self-organisation in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)
Time critical, reliable, and self-organizing WSNs
Opportunistic sensing in emergency response
Opportunistic networking and data dissemination

User requirements and best practices:
Coordination among agencies and stakeholders
Design requirements and design processes for information systems
Security and privacy
Serious games, training and crisis response
Simulation tools for crisis situations
Decision enhancement systems
Evacuation and navigation systems
Resilience and information