
You can download a PDF version of Conference Program from here, or scroll down and read it from the website:

Keynote speakers:

Ed Parsons:  Geospatial Technologist of Google, with responsibility for evangelising Google’s mission to organise the world’s information using geography, and tools including Google Earth, Google Maps and Google Maps for Mobile. In his role he also maintains links with Universities, Research and Standards Organisations which are involved in the development of Geospatial Technology

Google Crisis Response: getting people through the storm…
During the last week of October, superstorm Sandy wreaked havoc across the Caribbean and the East Coast of the United States, causing extensive flooding, damage and power outages. Google responded by providing critical preparedness information in the form of a crisis map – this is the story of that map!

Mark Neerincx: Extensive experience in fundamental and applied research on human-computer interaction for defense, security and health. Important achievements: cognitive task load model for task allocation and adaptive interfaces, models of human-machine partnership for attuning assistance to the individual user and momentary usage context, cognitive engineering methods and tools, and a diverse set of usability “best practices”.

Collaborative Technology for Disaster Management
 The the current means insufficiently help to share information and insights on (1) the states of the resources and environment, (2) the intentions and conditions of the persons in the disaster area, and (3) the work plan and progress. This keynote will give an overview of a situation cognitive engineering methodology aiming at the incremental development and validation of a requirements baseline for collaborative technology (with its design rationale) and its instantiation in several prototypes.

Invited talk:

Jaap Smit: Graduate of the Rijksbrandweeracademie, 5 years at the District inspection of Ministry of Home Affairs, 6 years experience at the Dutch Institute of Physical Safety, 15 years in the Safety Region IJsselland, participated in the realisation of a national Crisis Management System. Currently he is the Information Manager Geo, with the operational function of Information Manager in the Regional Operational Team.

Situational Awareness and Crisis Management Systems
In the 1980s, disaster management became a task for the emergency services in the Netherlands. The services copied the existing methods of using a hand-written ‘Situation Report’ for text and a ‘Situation Plot’ on a paper map. Much has been changes since then. Situational Awareness is now seen composed of several levels: 1) perception or observation, 2) comprehension or understanding and 3) forecasting future situations …


Conference Program

Wednesday, 12th December, Enschede

17:00 – 19:00 Disaster Workshop, Hotel Rodenbach, Enschede
19:30 – 20:30 Icebreaker, Town Hall, Visit to the 3FM Serious Request, Glazen Huis 2012, Enschede

Thursday, 13th, Holland Casino, Enschede

08:00 – 08:30 Registration

09:00 – 09:20  Opening by Menno-Jan Kraak (JB GIS/ICA)
09:20 – 11:00   Thursday, Technical session I, chair Sisi Zlatanova

1. On the Roles of Geospatial Information for Risk Assessment of Land Subsidence in Urban Areas of Indonesia, Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, Heri Andreas, Irwan Gumilar, Teguh.P. Sidiq and Yoichi. Fukuda
2. Methodology for Landslide Susceptibility and Hazard Mapping using GIS and SDI, Tomás Fernández, Jorge Jiménez, Jorge Delgado, Javier Cardenal, José Luis Pérez, Rachid El Hamdouni, Clemente Irigaray and José Chacón
3. Network Information Management for Collaboration in Disaster Management: Concepts and Case Study, Fons Pannman, Erik de Vries and Peter de Bruijn
4. Smoke Plume Modelling in Crisis Management
Hein Zelle, Edwin Wisse, Agnes Mika and Tom van Tilburg
5. Integration of Real-time UAV Video into the Fire Brigades Crisis Management System, Mark van Persie, Menso C. van Sijl, Edwin Wisse, Janio B. Tjoe-Awie, Arnout J. de Jong and Wim Bakker

11:00 – 11:20    Break
11:20 – 13:00   Thursday, Technical session II, chair Thomas Becker

1. Geographic Information for Command and Control Systems Demonstration of Emergency Support System, Tomáš Řezník, Bronislava Horáková, Roman Szturc
2. An Approach to Qualitative Emergency Management, Rami Al-Salman, Frank Dylla and Lutz Frommberger
3. A Customizable Maturity Model for Assessing Collaboration in Disaster Management, Jaana Mäkelä and Kirsi Virrantaus
4. The STIG: Framework for the Stress-Test for Infrastructures of Geographic information, Bujar Nushi and Bastiaan van Loenen
5. Using a Base Registry Key in Disaster information management: a Dutch Case Study on Linked Data, Jan-Willem van Aalst, Bart van Leeuwen and Rob Peters

13:00 – 13:30   Lunch
13:30 – 14:00   Invited talk Jaap Smith  (Fire brigade, Netherlands)
14:00 – 15:40   Thursday, Technical session III, chair Mahmoud Reza Delavar

1. Simulation System of Tsunami Evacuation Behaviour during an Earthquake around JR Osaka Station Area, Ryo Ishida, Tomoko Izumi and Yoshio Nakatani
2. Interactive Simulation and Visualisation of Realistic Flooding Scenarios, Christian Kehl and Gerwin de Haan
3. Evaluation of a Support System for Large Area Tourist Evacuation Guidance: Kyoto Simulation Results, Seiki Kinugasa, Tomoko Izumi and Yoshio Nakatani
4. Cascading Effects and Inter-organisational Crisis Management of Critical Infrastructure Operators. Findings of a Research Project Thomas Becker, Marie Bartels, Michael Hahne, Leon Hempel and Renate Lieb
5. Using Icons as a Means for Semantic Interoperability in Emergency Management: The Case of Cross-border Moor Fires and Schiphol Airport, Rob Peters, Jan-Willem van Aalst, Frank Wilson and Til Hofmann

15:40 – 16:00   Break
16:00 – 17:40   Thursday, Technical session IV, chair Tomáš Řezník

1. Multi-agents Evacuation Simulation Data Model with Social Considerations for Disaster Management Context, Mohamed Bakillah, J. Andrés Domínguez and Alexander Zipf
2. Agent-Enabled Information Provisioning while Retaining Control: a Demonstration, Peter de Bruijn and Niek Wijngaards
3. Agent-Based Information Infrastructure for Disaster Management, Zulkuf Genc, Farideh Heidari, Michel A. Oey, Sander van Splunter and Frances M.T. Brazier
4. An A*-based Search Approach for Navigation among Moving Obstacles, Zhiyong Wang and Sisi Zlatanova
5. Effectiveness of Net-Centric Support Tools for Traffic Incident Management Results of a field experiment, (video), John Steenbruggen, Maarten Krieckaert, Piet Rietveld, Henk Scholten and Maarten van der Vlist

17:40 – 18:20   Poster session + Reception
18:20 – 19:00   Keynote talk Ed Parsons (Google Crisis Response)
19:00 – 21:30   Dinner
21:00 – 21:25   Invited talk Gerke Spaling (Fire Work disaster Enschede)
21:25 – 21:30   Presentation Gi4DM 2013
21:30 – 23:00   Casino Play

Friday, 14th December, Holland Casino & Formal Airport Twente

08:00 – 10:30    Disaster management at Twente Airport (USAR exercise)

11:00 – 12:40   Friday, Technical session V, chair Norman Kerle
1. Managing Satellite Precipitation Data (PERSIANN) through Web GeoServices: A Case Study in North Vietnam, Maria A Brovelli, Truong Xuan Quang, Gérald Fenoy
2. Transport Network Vulnerability Assessment Methodology, based on the Cost-distance Method and GIS Integration, Toma-Danila Dragos
3. Granular Computing and Dempster-Shafer Integration in Seismic Vulnerability Assessment, Fateme Khamespanah, F., Mahmoud Reza Delavar, Hadis Smadi Samadi Alin-ia and Mahdi Zare
4. Applying GIS in Seismic Hazard Assessment and Data Integration for Disaster Management, Rumiana Vatseva, Dimcho Solakov, Emilia Tcherkezova, Stela Simeonova and Petya Trifonova
5. Automatic Determination of Optimal Regularization Parameter in Rational Polynomial Coefficients Derivation, Junhee Youn, Tae-Hoon Kim, Changhee Hong and Jung-Rae Hwang

12:40 – 13:15   Lunch +  Keynote talk Mark Neerincx (TUDelft/TNO)
13:20 – 14:45   Friday, Technical session VI, chair Hans Scholten

1. Remote Sensing based Post-disaster Damage Mapping with Collaborative Methods, Norman Kerle
2. Identification of Earthquake Disaster Hot Spots with Crowd Sourced Data, Reza Hassanzadeh and Zorica Nedovic-Budic
3. A Virtual Police Force as Part of an Integrated Community Security Network
The Case of the Dutch VPK Programme
, (video), Wim Broer

14:45 – 15:00    Award ceremony, Frans Schippers (Fire Brigade, Public Safety Region Kennemerland)
15:00                  Evacuation to former Twente airport
15:30 –  18:00  Research meets practice: demonstrations, drinks and a bite
18:00                  Bus transfer to Holland Casino