We sincerely invite all particpants to register for attending the events. We offer discount for payment before September 1st.

We provide several categories for registration to cope with COVID-19 epidemic risks. But you can change between on-site/on-line according to the epidemic status before 30 September 2022.

CategoriesBefore 2022-09-01After 2022-09-01
On-site participant (include one paper publication)3200 RMB /
460 Euro
3500 RMB /
500 Euro
On-line particpant (include one paper publication)1800 RMB /
260 Euro
2000 RMB /
285 Euro
On-line participant (no paper publication)1000 RMB /
150 Euro
1200 RMB /
170 Euro
On-site student or senior (include one paper publication)1500 RMB /
215 Euro
1700 RMB /
245 Euro
On-line student or senior (no paper publication)500 RMB /
70 Euro
600 RMB /
85 Euro
Accompany person(On-site)1500 RMB /
215 Euro
1700 RMB /
245 Euro
1 day registration(On-site)1000 RMB /
150 Euro
1200 RMB /
170 Euro
1 day registration(On-line)500 RMB /
70 Euro
600 RMB /
85 Euro


  • students are full-time B.Sc, M.Sc or Ph.D students and should upload a valid evidence of their student status when registering.
  • Senior are considered participants over 65 years old on 1 November 2022 and can show a valid ID on arrival.
  • 1 day registrations DO NOT cover the publication of the paper.
  • Accompany person has no access to sessions.

For registration and payment, please click: Here

Note: Please add your abstract/paper ID if you have submitted