Guideline for Oral Presentation


The language of the Symposium will be English. Simultaneous translation will not be provided. To assure that there is effective communication between the speaker and the audience, a speaker must speak clearly, slowly, and concisely.

Time allocation

Each oral session is 1.5 hours long. The time allocation for each presentation is about 15 minutes including introduction, and questions/answers. We would suggest you keep your presentation within 12 minutes so there will be 3 minutes for Q/A. But invited papers and keynote speeches will have more time. Please keep the oral presentation within the allotted time slot.

Audio-Visual (AV) equipment

For the visual presentations an LCD projector is available to be used with digital presentation (i.e., PowerPoint slide presentation) from the laptop computer provided by the meeting.

A fixed and a carry-on microphone will be available as well as an electronic pointer.

Please ensure that your presentation allows legible and attractive viewing (e.g., uses appropriate font sizes, high quality graphics and is visible to the audience at the back of the room).

The slide in a 4:3 aspect ratio is recommended.

Rehearsal (IMPORTANT)

The meeting will provide Laptop computers for presentations. You are required to copy your presentation (PowerPoint file) into the specified computers half day before your presentation, to ensure your slides can be projected correctly.

If you need to do some special demo that must use your own Laptop computer, you are required to test the connection of your computer to the projector at least half day before your presentation. Please note that the electric current is 220V-50Hz and you may need socket adaptors.

Site preparation

(1) Familiarize yourself with the daily time schedule and make sure that you know exactly when you are expected to present.

(2) Familiarize yourself with the facilities available and do so, whenever possible, the day before. That is, be sure that you know how to project your slides, and that you are comfortable with room lighting, speaker timing devices, microphones, pointers, height of reading desk, etc. Check the best position of microphones according to its “characteristic”.

(3) You should arrive 15 minutes before the session in which you are to speak.

(4) Please submit the attached PRESENTER INFORMATION FORM to the chairperson.

Guideline for Virtual Presentations


The language of the Symposium will be English. Simultaneous translation will not be provided. To assure that there is effective communication between the speaker and the audience, a speaker must speak clearly, slowly, and concisely.

You are required to prepare and submit a video presentation before October 25, 2022.

Time allocation

Each oral session is 1.5 hours long. The time allocation for each presentation is about 15 minutes including introduction, and questions/answers. We would suggest you keep your video presentation within 12 minutes so there will be 3 minutes for Q/A. But invited papers and keynote speeches will have more time. Please keep the oral presentation within the allotted time slot.

Video requirements

The video file is in .mp4 format. The file size should not exceed 300MB and the playback time should not exceed 12 minutes. The projection resolution is 1980 * 1020, and the aspect ratio is 4:3. The video files must be tested by yourself in advance to ensure that the video can be played continuously to the end. The linkage for video uploading will be announced soon.

Rehearsal (IMPORTANT)

You are required to test your virtual presentation 3-4 days before the meeting. An e-mail will be sent to you with link of ZOOM Webinar instructions for testing.

Please send the video to .

Virtual Presentation

  • You will receive the Zoom Link before the session, which will be used for attending the sessions and make your presentation.
  • You should arrive 15 minutes before the session in which you are to speak.
  • Please submit the attached PRESENTER INFORMATION FORM to the chairperson.



Please provide this information to the chairperson before your session

Presenter Information

First Name:

Family Name:

Title and Position:


Background of Education:

Brief CV:
